November 3, 2024
🏞 Day trip to Helmos with hiking in Zarouchla and Vrysi Golfos. 🚎 Meeting point Corinth.
November 3, 2024
Day trip to Vermio and hiking along the route of Ag. Dimitrios - Vrachini Kopsi. Meeting point Kozani.
November 3, 2024
Day trip to Tzoumerka and hiking on the stairs of Kypseli, the old livestock paths from which the inhabitants brought their animals to graze in the summer in the meadows. Meeting point is Arta.
November 3, 2024
One-day excursion to Parnonas with hiking in Vamvakou. Meeting point Kalamata.
November 9, 2024
🏞 2-day hiking trip to Meteora. 🚎 Meeting point Athens.
2-day hiking trip to Agrafa with destination Delidimi. Meeting point Agrinio.
November 10, 2024
Day hike in Skepasmeno - Agia Kiriaki - Refuge - Lagomana. Meeting point Kozani.
November 10, 2024
🏞 Day hiking trip to Asprokambos on Mount Gavria in Corinth. 🚎 Meeting point Corinth.
November 16, 2024
🏞 One-day hiking trip to Hymettus. 🚎 Meeting point Corinth.
November 17, 2024
Day trip to Jena starting from South Almopia and hiking to the Jena Gorge, also known as the South Gorge. Meeting point Kozani.